The text below is an excerpt from the conclusion of the Strategy.
“Independent dance, movement art, and contemporary circus are rather strong and stable in the Czech Republic. The development is secured by professional associations and the basic infrastructure is available as venues, where dance and art groups can meet, work, rehearse, learn, and perform. There are new ways of networking and projects in the Czech Republic and abroad.”
The structure of the discipline is similar to the international one – we have festivals, state-funded and private stages, and theatres. The independent scene features Vize tance, SE.S.TA, Nová síť, Studio Alta, Rezi.Dance Komařice, CO.LABS, and many others. The Arts and Theatre Institute plays an important role in the development of independent dance and movement art as far as mostly conferences and mobility are concerned. Information about the field can be found on the Databáze tance website, there are journals specializing in dance, such as Taneční aktuality. The small individual initiatives do not have the necessary human, financial, and marketing sources for their further development, though. Even after the weakening of the sector due to the constraints associated with the worldwide pandemic, many professional associations and initiatives were brought together as they shared an interest in defining the needs and promoting the Status of the Artists in the Czech Republic. Thus, social instability and the lack of funds were identified as the main barrier to the development of the independent dance sector.
The document is the output of the two-year activity of Vize tance and is the basis for the critical reflection from the professionals and creating a detailed action plan in 2023, which will include the link between the planned activities and funds. To reach the sustainable development of the independent dance scene, it is necessary to apply a holistic approach and implement these activities:
- to connect dance and other disciplines, to develop interdisciplinarity
- to develop basic skills and abilities – capacity building
- to advocate for appropriate systems of financial and non-financial support
- to promote internationalization and networking
- to communicate the positive impacts of dance on society
- to advocate for political support and participate in strategic and development documents
Vize tance
Dokument Oborová strategie nezávislého tanečního a pohybového umění
image: Dance vision logo